Saturday, May 29, 2010

Saturday Fun

Grandson rode his pony on more of responsible rider. There's no more babying or doing all the work for him. I should have already gotten this done for him last summer. Actually since Chew-Chew can be a handful he is the right age for his pony. I am teaching him to read his horse as he's riding.

After he was done, he said he can ride him anywhere he wants to when he is ready. I had to smile.

The other morning, I was watching television in the living room when all the sudden a Autotune came on for something Bear. Evidently he had set all the programs to come on according to his liking. He said he was happy he can read now so he can do things as he goes.

His father came with my mom a couple of days ago, he asked to see Grandson but since he didn't have his nap he had fallen asleep at 8pm. Grandpa told him he went to bed. I was more concerned about mom, she looked horrible.