Friday, July 16, 2010


ON our 4th of July, we sat way out of reach of smoke.  Literally we were about ten plus miles just to keep Grandson away from any disgusting crap in the air.  He did get to enjoy sitting on the hill overlooking the valley full of fireworks.

Poor Grandson, he is going insane with limited activities.  I feel like he is going to blow up one day with the need to RUN, JUMP, PLAY to his content.  And, what about his friends?  Anytime we go out public, he makes friends fast and gets some playing in as much as he can.

Today, he got to eat shredded meat, and tamale.  You think I was happy to see him eat?  HECK YES!!  I was so thrilled to see him eat again.  So, tired of seeing him upset because he couldn't eat with us.  He did like the part where he could watch DIsNey Channel during meals.  Today is the first day since his surgeries he could have a taste of real food, no more liquids and baby food.

A week ago, he gave himself a haircut with his own scissors.  I had to chuckle to myself after I gave him the stern look and a little talking to about giving himself a haircut.