Sunday, August 22, 2010

Summer is Over, and now SCHOOL

Welcome to first grade!!  Yayyy!

Well, let's see here... what have we done that might affect your life here..  First, I guess we kind of told you Rusty went to Cali to be with his family, and you kept asking to see him.  Then that one fateful day... we had to tell you the truth about Rusty going back to Heaven.  Sometime in your life you need to understand the circle of life.  A couple of weeks later, your hamster of four and a half years passed away Elvis style, on Elvis death anniversary.

My goodness you are certainly growing.  I think today was the day you actually start doing things on your own, and actually behaved in church and listened.  I don't know what happened, but you even put all of your church clothes on all by yourself.  Everything was done neatly.  Even after church, you put everything away where they belong... Oh my gosh.  What happened?

You love your new school.  We love it too!  Nice decent people, even some of them are in the high profile end.  Wow...  Testing that was required before you went to school, let's not even talk about it.  You aced it like flying colors.. and you were done within an hour, to our surprise.

This summer was seemingly limited for you because of the surgery you had, we were not allowed to take you to public event during the healing time, as well as before you surgery.  You were not suppose to be in direct sunlight.  Now, that you are back to eating normal food, we are kind of sure you can go back to normal activities... I know you are boiling with energy...