Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Late for work

While we were pulling a load home Grandson says "Gwampaw?  Can you hurry up?  I'm late for work."

Grandson has been able to run freely lately on the reservation. He can’t wait to see our crops bloom. He’s favorite items are carrots, radish, watermelon, and squash. I have to buy him apple tree. I have no idea why we never have planted one. Since he is a year older now, I don’t quite constantly watch out for him. I glance his way every so many minutes to make sure he isn’t getting into things. Up in the mountains, I have to watch him closely, he loves to climb.

He saw his cousins quite often and play with them. I hate to say, but some of them we try to keep him away from, they are like wild children. Seriously. I don’t know how to handle that. It’s quite uncomfortable, and sometime disturbing. My nieces’ children are fine, it’s his Maternal side of cousins. It kinda blows my mind, to him it’s a challenging type of aggression.

I spoke to his father during the week totally different matter, at the end he said if they can come Sunday, and I said sure. Come Sunday, they are a no-show. Also, hubby told his mother Grandson wanted to go to the zoo in Albq. would she like to pitch in for anything? She said no, their bills come first, and hung up the phone.

As far as his education, his kindergartner books are way to easy for him, and I backed off on the first grade worksheets. He knows how to read very well, it’s amazing. I’m glad he loves to read. Grandson is in a hurry to grow up so he can be a engineer, or work in the oil field so he can drill. Most of all he wants to operate heavy machinery.