Sunday, October 24, 2010

Sunday Fall

Grandson has been busy with his Speech Therapy from both the school and UNM.  He catches himself and tries to announciate correctly but it has been with effort.  Now only if we can get him to make a habit, maybe his throat muscles will strengthen all those needed. 
Since, he is 'young' for any school activities, we put him back in TaeKwonDo. And again, he loves it and is exceeding very well.  Such a sweetheart.
Today he was eager to go to Primary, so off they went.  I'm home resting.  It's so quiet when they're gone.
Last night I got to carry him inside the house.  He was too tired to walk to the door, so I picked him up, and he put his little arms around my neck and I put him to bed.  I haven't done that since, seems like forever.  It's like having an baby again.  I gave him plenty of kisses and said his good night prayers for him and tucked him in.