Friday, November 26, 2010

Wogglily Tooth..

taken with my iPhone, not the
greatest sometimes..

I think his tooth was first notice it was "wooglily" on a Wednesday.  Friday at his school they get to go to 'Store' and they get to buy whatever they want.  SO, we normally give him $5.00, and that buys him Pizza, drink, and a couple of school toys..  I told him that Wednesday night, don't beat yourself up to get that tooth out... have to laugh, it came Thursday at school, so his Tooth Fairy can bring him some loot, just in time for Friday.

Grandson loves his Nalii, his GreatGrandma,
he gives her lots and lots of hugs,
and Troy is like a big brother for him.

Not so sure I am making sense... I am a bit tired right now, so I will have to come back and edit this.