Sunday, January 30, 2011

What the heck?

Growing and growing the young boy!  Every time I look at him, I swear he grown again.  Well, my baby has a beautiful little blonde for a girlfriend, we were wondering why for the third day he was not at his usual pick up area...  Grandpa found him walking with her with big smiles.. and he put his two and two's together and everything is beginning to fall into places.  The only girl to scream "Rey is back!" after Grandson was out of school for a week because of his Pneumonia.  The only girl to run to him during recess time, and now they are walking together.  I have noticed his hairdo was a bit odd, but to him.. he is THE Justin Beiber.  He has been practicing swinging his hip, I thought it was for Taekwondo.. but it's for dancing.

Grandbaby went to his first Taekwondo tournament even though he was still under the weather.  He wanted to go, and he said he was up for it.  He came in second of seven boys, his first round was fair with an orange belt, second he fought with a green belt.. but he hung in there.  He was robbed two points for kicking the boy to the head.  I told o'sweety, I am happy with that alone, that he went and fought fair and square to his first tournament.

Proud of Grandbaby.