Wednesday, February 9, 2011

woogilies and I love you GRANDma..

Now that he know articulation is the key to many good conversations, he tries.  I am no longer Gwamma, and the woogilies are going away, like most of his baby words.  I am also, "ma'am", how did that happen?  I don't know.  One day I heard "Here you go, ma'am." as he handed me my food.  I returned with "Why thank you, sir." and he winked back at me.
This week we were pleased to be informed he was one of the top kids in his class, the TOP five.  We took him out to his favorite CHILI'S.  He is bright and very good with math.  Now, he's no prodigy, but he is a very bright young man.  Love him to pieces.
His next request for sports is basketball.  Grandpa asked him how high does he want his rim, he said "High Grandpa, I can do it. I know I can do it, I do it at school with the big kids."