Sunday, March 20, 2011

Church clothes..

No more little boy ties, he says. He wants real ties, and tie them the way Grandpa does.  I hear Grandpa knows many ways of tying a tie.  I thought there was just that one way.  How interesting.  Let's see here, he would like variety of suits here, he's next one is Cream colored with silk tie.  Oh, and let's not forget the cowboy boots.  Grandbaby, he cares about the way he looks.

*Today, he gave his first speech during sacrament.  He stood at the podium all by himself and told about the prophet and President Monson.  I will scan his card he got.  Subject: Heavenly Father speaks to us through HIS prophets.

School, It's spring break.  We didn't do anything, naturally he didn't do much just a lot of reading, he went to a few photo shoots with me, he travelled some with Grandpa, playing, practicing his moves and kicking in his dojo (garage).   Speaking of that I told him I would buy him real floor mats.
TKD, he is one of the TOP kids in Taekwondo.  He had one bad day, and it seems like his status got shot, either he is kicking the other kids too hard they have been having him sit.  He is called "BOLD".  He kicks the bigger kids just the same.  One bad thing, we have been calling it 'Chicken Fight', that's because they just go in and kick continously.. only ratio we're seeing as points, is bad.  SO, I have been trying to teach him  to set up his opponent and go in for the point.  NOW, with the bigger kids like TROY, they are being taught to kick fast with power.  Well, when Grandson is done with his class he goes in with Troy..  I think that's where the agression comes in from.  It's all good though.
He has been asking to start roping.  Maybe I can find him someone to teach him, I will have to dig up the ropes and have him start roping a dummy.  No, not me.  lol

Mom has been having problems with his parents.  Apparently Shane had commited fraud using my mom's credit and info, she told them to stop it and send it back (we know they didn't).  Mom has asked for her money back she had loaned to his parents and they are not giving back a penny.  Shane had asked her for money again, and she refused to cash her monthly check so he treated her bad that day.  Mom said she thought it was okay if he dumped her off in town she could make it home on her own.  Mom's utility bills have sky rocketed and they are not paying for it, it's up there almost over $500, and they are blaming my neice for the unpaid bills.  Mom said my neice showed her receit for payment.  Shane was suppose to be her caretaker, and he is NOT living up to it.  Shane sleeps all day, and drive people around at all hours of the night. Mom is sick of them bringing home Danielle's  family members, they eat up the food and bathe in her bathroom.   Both of his parents (Shane and Danielle) have been starting fights among other family members. 

As of yesterday, Mom said she is getting them removed from her home.  Mom thinks just because Shane's mom is toting around a gun, everyone should be scared to say anything.  I told MOM, that's nonsense... I don't like that, and off the rez, that's called Senior Abuse.
Personally I hate to get involved, because this is just the way they live.  A month or so.. they will be all living together again.

Everytime I help, I'm the bad person and I interfere with their living..   I have made Shane pay back mom before, I have told Danielle's mom and sisters to leave (move out) before, I have told Shane to take care of my mom like he should...  and every time, I get to be the bad person that comes around and shakes everyone up.  When Shane's mom (Ramona), she leaves when I come to visit mom.