Monday, March 7, 2011

Grandpa Chinese

On the way to the school this morning.  Grandson starts "Grandma, I will be only away for 8 hrs.  Don't worry your babysitter will be here in 4 hrs.  Troy might be home in 2 hrs.  The weather doesn't look good, so he'll be home.  They only keep the mexicans there, not indians. Mexicans are good workers, not Indians. So, he'll be home."  I was busy in the normal heavy traffic so I responded with "Hmmm..."  Grandson asks "Grandma? Do you know how many Indians are in our family?"  I said "Four"  He happily agrees.  "Grandma, and Grandpa is Chinese.  He always talks Chinese to me."  I laugh and tell him "Grandpa is not Chinese.  He is Caucasian."  Grandson explodes with "Grandpa is not Asian!  Those are bad people!"  My eyebrows shot up, and I asked "Where on earth did you hear that? There's no bad race, Asians are good people too."  He looks at me confused.  I guess this is where race matters now.  Lots of new teaching is in store for all of us.


We visited with mom this last Saturday.  As usual Grandson loves his Nalii with all his heart and always happy to aid with her walking and such.  Just when we were ready to leave, my brother was talking to us by the tailgate.  Hubby and Grandson were still eating those long frenchfries, Grandson's mom drives by and parks by their end of the house.  She got out of her car looked towards us and went inside like a snob.  No, hello's or anything for her son.  Totally ignored him, even when we went into the house.. we waited for a bit to see if she would come through the kitchen.. Nope. Nothing.  So we left.