Wednesday, March 2, 2011


Well, so... My Grandbaby is a do I fix that?  His teacher has a plan.  She said he gets all uppy and demanding with the kids, and even HER!  OMGosh, is all I had to say.  He was put at the end of the line so he can have AUTHORITY to help keep kids in line.  I told him, if he keeps it up, he will have me for his teacher.  I don't know what to do about this, he is great at home and in church...  I better start reading and thinking about how we can make a turn on this deal.

Last night we went to JC Penny's thinking he was doing a swell job and bought him a red silk tie (a real tie), real black suit, white shirt, new leather shoes, and dress socks.  All went over $200.00, then we took him out to eat.

This morning I realized his basketball wasn't in the truck, I asked and he said the teacher took it away because he was dribbling it while in line, and I saw a flashlight that didn't belong to him.  You know I was upset, because he lied to me last night and WE treated him out.

Here's a picture of my sweet little Grandson...  I love the bug, really.  I don't know where he's heading but it ain't right.  I already gave him a talking to, and a bit of extra chores to do for the rest of the week.