Thursday, March 31, 2011

So happy he finally got it!

Okay, finally he is getting the idea of WINNing points. Yes, again in TKD. It was nice he was BOLD during sparring. Aggression is nice, but pointless if you are just attacking and making NO points.

Yesterday, a whole class of counter move... notice it's not plural. It finally struck him, whereas the other children and even adults didn't get it. During practice he executed those moves and YAY! THEY WORK!! and he didn't tire out quickly or even SWEAT!!

During each spar.. he did the counter moves and only went in for the points while his partners jumped to kick, continously had their 'Chickenfight' moves. He used all his kicks, and again only when the spot was available he went in quickly and zapped his partners.

The boy that use to be the top kid.. runs from Grandson and will NOT pick him for a partner, and even during rotation he will try to sneak to another part of the line. The other boy that we thought was better, he has been relying alot on just pushing and hitting.. well, Grandson knows a counter move for that and yesterday he got slammed bad by Grandson, the boy cried and got very angry with Grandson. But Grandson would slow down for him and gently kick him, encouraging him not to quit because he got hurt. Very good sportsman, our little Grandson.


This morning.. while he was having breakfast he asked when are we going 'outside', I asked which one? Back or Front and for what? He says front and with Buddy for a walk. I said "Shhhhh.. don't say that yet. I haven't gotten dressed yet. (for the day) Don't say (used my fingers for walking). Grandson says "For a 'STROLL' Grandma, he doesn't know what a 'stroll' is."