Monday, April 4, 2011


Well, we had a busy start this morning.  Grandpa asked Grandson to get a bowl of dry dog food for Buddy.  That's just about how far Grandpa got, he got side tracked with things that needed to be done.  I went to my office to get my photos done.

Sometime later,  I heard Grandpa thanking me for feeding Buddy.  I said Grandson must of done it, because I didn't do it.  I heard Grandpa thanking Grandson.  Grandson came into my office and gave me an presentaton on how to wash dishes.  He said "First you have to put dishsoap in, just a little bit.  Fill the sink about this much, not too much.  Then you put a dish in there and scrub it good, then you put it in the other sink and rinse really good.  Then you set it out to dry."  All this while using gestures with his hands.  Boy did he look serious.

I gave him a big hug, and laughed...  I told him, he is going to hate the idea he learned to wash dishes on his own, and feeling so PROUD doing it.  In about 10 more years he'll be kicking himself. lol.

He is learning his way around the kitchen fast!  He knows how to set the table, he knows how to operate the microwave, he knows what ingredients are used for certain meals, he knows the art of making toast and buttering, he is only allowed to 'cut' things with butterknife.. so he helps in that area, like cut bananas for desert..  He's too sweet.  Now, he knows how to wash dishes.  I guess the dishwasher is boring.. hahaha

Yesterday while I was busy with Photo Sessions, the boys spent the day at museums down in Old Town.  WOW!  What a learning experience it was for him.  Grandson had so much to tell me, makes me very happy to hear him talk about his experiences.

This morning he was talking about being baptized, and how Grandpa is going to give him his Bible and Book of Mormon to him..  He wants to go to meetings with Grandpa, he said I can't go to Priesthood meetings with Grandpa yet, until I'm 12.


Mom told me she did have Shane and Danielle served with Restraining Order and now they are living in Two Grey Hills with her mom and other relatives.  She said she heard they were sleeping in the car and their daughter is sick.  Mom also learned they were expecting another baby soon, and they both are unemployed.  After a few days, mom felt bad and thought about their situation.  I think she is going to let them move back (again).  This is why I stay out of it.  I told her to stop it..