Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Struck again

Yesterday in the afternoon around 3pm Detective Monica and a officer arrived at our house and told me a report has been filed by his Grandmother and his mother. I kidnapped him six years ago and they have been unable to see him since. I said "Not true, just last month she walk away without saying hello to her son at my mother's house. " I told them I was expecting them soon, the detective asked me why, I told her because they need him for his money and his disability status. They were living with my mom until she got a restraining order on the parents and kicked them out. I told them the whole history and this is not the first time they did this to me. The detective looked at the papers and said I need to get it updated and re-file in court unless I want them to keep coming to my home. I said "I know, we just don't have the money for an attorney they all want atleast $5000.00 retainer fee." Granson said tell them to leave me alone, they can visit me here at my house. I told them everything about my sister, what she did to me as far as getting the FBI, Govt somebody, harassing, and so on. She asked me why doesn't Ramona have custody of him, I said because she does drugs and I took all of her kids away through court. She said Okay, and left.